
I started #BoostAcademy as a sadaqah (charity) for my brother in law who sadly passed away ~ approx. 2 years ago.

Allah yarhamu.

I wanted to help his friends - whom I met at his funeral for the first time - the way I wish someone helped me when I was 19/20 years old.

Small things:

~ Introduction to corporate culture
~ Case studies
~ CVs & interview prep
~ Helped them network with my friends

But... I think the most useful thing I did was also the simplest.

~ just answering simple questions over WhatsApp. Text and voice notes.

...to coin a term for it. Err, #BoostBRO? The name is'nt important.

FAST FORWARD to today.

In 2 months, we have increased this initiative from just Sami’s friends in London to 250+ people in Saudi, UK, India, Pakistan, Nepal, UAE, Jordan, Egypt. Not to mention raising $000s a week for charity under our #food4thought initiative and securing tons of internships and job offers for these guys.

I love consulting and working with clients but just imagine:

~ changing the trajectory of someone’s life in 15 minutes. EVERYDAY. That’s where I am today.

Allah has been kind to me & Boost | Consulting Redefined. We will always do consulting for clients. But I can’t ignore the impact we are creating with such a simple idea.


Now its time to scale this bad boy... and so I invite you all to be #BoostBros.

Being a bro is simple. Most of you are already bros to someone... but I think formalizing this would make the impact even greater.

Sooooo, I am looking for people open to being bros and providing support to people on WhatsApp. To be a bro...

~ 5+ years experience in anything

~ based anywhere in the world

~ genuinely want to help people

~ respond to WhatsApp’s in a timely manner

**OBVIOUSLY** females can be bros too

That’s it. Get in touch... bros
